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作者:罗艳红1  蔡太生2  陈贵3 
单位:1. 湖南女子学院女br性心理健康教育研究所  长沙 410004 
 中南大学湘雅二医院医学心理学研究所  长沙 410011 
 中南大学湘雅医学院公共管理学院  长沙 410011 
关键词:服刑人员 DDT决策任务 冲动 人格 

目的:探查服刑人员的冲动性特征及其与大五人格特征之间的相互关系。方法:采用大五人格简式量表、冲动性量表、行为抑制/激活系统量表、金钱延迟折扣任务对41名服刑人员和21名正常被试进行了测量。结果:①在延迟折扣任务中,相对于正常对照组,服刑人员组对两种不同金钱强化物均表现出快速折扣的倾向。MannWhitney U检验结果显示,两种不同强化条件下,服刑人员组被试的折扣率均显著高于对照组,差异显著(U10000=197.00,P<0.01;U1000=207.00,P<0.05)。②相关分析表明,延迟折扣率k与大五人格各维度均无显著性相关(P《0.05);大五人格中的神经质与非计划冲动性、冲动总分显著正相关,与抑制系统显著负相关(P<0.05)。结论:服刑人员具有显著冲动性,并与大五人格各维度存在不同程度的相关。

Objective:To explore the impulsivity Characteristics and its relationship with the personality in criminals.Methods: A sample of 41 prisoners and 21 Normal subjects completed measures of the NEO-FFI, BIS-II, BIS/BAS Scale and DDT.Results:①In the Delay Discounting Task, the criminal group displayed a trend of rapid discounting compared with normal group.Mann-Whitney U test showed that, the discounting rate of criminal group were significantly higher than the normal group(U10000=197.00, P0.01; U1000=207.00, P0.05).②Neuroticism was positively correlated with Nonplanning Impulsiveness and the total score of Impulsiveness, and negatively correlated with the BIS(P0.05).Conclusion: The results suggest the criminals have a cardinal feature of impulsivity, which shows different correlations with personality characteristics.


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