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作者:陈坚  连榕 
单位:福建师范大学教育学院  福州 350117 
关键词:工作价值观 幸福感 心理健康 代际 


Objective:To explore work value's impact on well-being and mental health over generations among Chinese employees.Methods: Data on Work Value Scale of Chinese employees, Index of well-being and GHQ-12 were collected and analyzed on a sample of 1056 employees over three generations in China.Results: Some dimensions of work values related significantly with well-being and mental health in each generation sample and the total sample, although the correlated dimensions were different between three generation samples.Well-being completely mediated the association of work values with mental health.Altruism positively predicted mental health over three generations, while only extrinsic award negatively predicted mental health in the third generation sample.Conclusion: Work values are closely related with well-being and mental health.Well-being can serve as a buffering effect on the influence of work values on mental health.


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