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作者:卢永彪1  李炳煌2  展宁宁1  吴文峰1 
单位:1 湖南科技大学教育学院 湘潭 411201 
 湖南科技大学教育科学研究院 湘潭 411201 
关键词:情绪劳动 生活事件 抑郁 班主任 初中生 


Objective:To explore the influence of teacher' s emotional labor on the relationship between life events and depression of middle school students. Methods:Used emotional labor questionnaire for teacher to investigate class teach ers, and used Life event scale and Children' s depression inventory to investigate middle school students. The hierarchical structure datawas analyzed by HLM. Results:The interaction of emotional labor and life events predicted depressive symp toms significantly, and also for the emotional labor perception and surface behavior, however, the deep behavior and natu ral expression couldn' t do it. The simple effect analysis showed: the student depressive symptoms raised up with the rising of the student stress, and thepredicting line slope valueof high emotional labor was significantly lesser than thepredicting line slope of low emotional labor. Conclusion: The teacher' s emotional labor could alleviate the influence of life events on students' depression.


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