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作者:王艳  安芹 
单位:北京理工大学人文与社会科学学院 北京 100081 
关键词:安全感 自我分化 人际关系 大学生 


Objective:The study aimed at exploring the relationship between sense of security, self-differentiation and interpersonal relationship in college students. Methods:Totally 380 college students from Beijing and Anhui were selected to fill questionnaires of security scale, self-differentiation scale and interpersonal relationship integrated diagnosis scale. Results: ①The proportion of college students with low,middle,high and level interpersonal disturbances were 51% 、 34.5% and 14.5% respectively. ②Sense of security had significant and positive correlation with self-differentiation. ③Both sense of security and self-differentiation had significant and negative correlation with interpersonal disturbances. ④Mediat ing regression analysis indicated that security and certainty in control significantly predicted interpersonal relationship, but the effect became weaker when all factors of differentiation of self interpersonal were considered. Conclusion: Self-differ entiation, especially I-position and emotional cutoff, play a partial mediating role on the relationship between sense of secu rity and interpersonal relationship.


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