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作者:丁强1  卢家楣1  陈宁2 
单位:1 上海师范大学教育学院 上海 200234 
 上海师范大学青年学院 上海 200083 
关键词:青少年责任感 信度 效度 


Objective:To develop the questionnaire of adolescent responsibility and examine its reliabilities and validi ties. Methods:772 adolescents were recruited as samples, and item analysis, identification degree, exploratory factor analy sis, confirmatory factor analysis, validity and reliability were performed to examine the reliability and validity of this ques tionaire. Results:The questionnaire of adolescent responsibility included three main dimensions: Self responsibility(re sponsibility for academic, responsibility for life, responsibility for future), interpersonal responsibility(responsibility for rela tives, responsibility for peer, responsibility for others), social responsibility(responsibility for ecological environment, re sponsibility for society, responsibility for the nation). Confirmatory factory analysis indicated that the structure validity of the questionnaire was acceptable. In addition, the questionnaire had good criterion related validity and reliability. Conclusion: The questionnaire has acceptable reliabilities and validities and could be used to measure the adolescent responsibili ty.


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