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单位:深圳大学管理学院  深圳 518060 
关键词:伦理型领导 工作幸福感 组织公民行为 确定感 


Objective: To examine the relations between ethical leadership and employees' occupational well-being and organizational citizenship behavior, as well as the mediating roles of employees' perceived performance-to-outcome certainty and supervisor acceptance certainty. Methods: With a three-wave survey design, a total of 223 Chinese full-time employees reported supervisors' ethical leadership and demographic information at Time 1, perceived performance-to-out-come certainty and supervisor acceptance certainty at Time 2, and occupational well-being and organizational citizenship behavior at Time 3. Results: There was a significantly positive association between ethical leadership and employees' oc-cupational well-being and organizational citizenship behavior, which was mediated by employees' perceived performanceto-outcome certainty and supervisor acceptance certainty. Conclusion: Ethical leadership exerts positive influences on em-ployees' perceived performance-to-outcome certainty and supervisor acceptance certainty, and then in turn, increases their levels of occupational well-being and organizational citizenship behavior.


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