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作者:张戴林  蔡太生  刘文俐  邹循豪 
单位:1. 中南大学湘雅二医院医学心理学研究所  长沙 410011 2. 湖南农业大学东方科技学院  长沙 410128 3. 湖南第一师范学院  长沙 410205 
关键词:体像 焦虑 抑郁 自尊 


Objective: To investigate the current status of body image among teenagers, and the relationship of body im-age with anxiety, depression and self-esteem. Methods: Adopted five factor subscales of Multidimensional Body Self-Rela-tions Questionnaire(MBSRQ), including appearance evaluation, appearance orientation, body-areas satisfaction, overweight preoccupation, self-classified weight; along with Self-esteem Scale(SES), the Chinese Version of the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale(DASS-21) were administered to 1231 teenagers. Results: Compared to girls, boys scored higher in appearance evaluation, body-areas satisfaction, but lower in the rest of the three subscales. Overweight group scored higher in over-weight preoccupation, self-classified weight but lower in appearance evaluation and body-areas satisfaction. Besides ap-pearance orientation, the other four factor subscales showed significant correlations with anxiety, depression and self-es-teem. Self-esteem served as an intermediary between body image and anxiety, as well as between body image and depres-sion. Conclusion: These findings suggest the more pleased about appearance and body, the lower level of anxiety and de-pression, and the higher level of self-esteem. The person who care more on weight and think themselves fat are on contrast. Body image affected anxiety depression through the mediating effect of self-esteem.


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