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作者:季欣蕾  范乐佳  罗兴伟  王湘 
单位:中南大学湘雅二医院医学心理学研究中心  长沙 410011 
关键词:来源国效应 内隐联想测验 中外品牌 认可偏差 

目的:来源国效应指因品牌的来源国不同,人们对不同品牌的认可程度存在差异。本实验旨在了解大学生对国内外品牌的内隐认可程度,以验证来源国效应的存在。方法:基于内隐社会认知和来源国效应的理论,采用内隐联想测验(Implicit Association Test,IAT)的方法对50名大学生进行行为学测试。结果:被试对“外国品牌与积极态度”和“中国品牌与消极态度”组合的反应时要显著快于“中国品牌与积极态度”和“外国品牌与消极态度”组合的反应时(P<0.001),存在显著的IAT效应。结论:大学生人群存在非意识觉察的外国品牌与积极态度联系更为紧密,本国品牌与消极态度联系更为紧密的现象,即在内隐消费态度上存在品牌来源国效应的偏差。

Objective: The effect of country-of-origin means that various sources of the products' brands can lead to di-verse attitudes due to their different weight in people's mind. This study examined the country-of-origin effect of under-graduate students on the brands at home and abroad. Methods: The study design was based on the theory of implicit social cognition and a revised Implicit Association Test(IAT) was completed by 50 college students to measure their attitudes to-wards the diverse brands. Results: The result of reaction time in IAT demonstrated that the foreign brand was significantly more closely connected with the optimistic attitudes in undergraduate students, while the domestic brand was more closely connected with the pessimistic attitudes(P<0.001). Conclusion: Based on the behavior measurement on the relationship between the brand names with different source country and the attitudes with different affective valence, country-of-origin effect can be proved in the view of the implicit attitudes.


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