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作者:王美芳  许文伟  王欣欣 
单位:山东师范大学心理学院  济南 250014 
关键词:心理攻击 体罚 青少年自我表露 学业成绩 


Objective: To explore the mediating role of self-disclosure to parents in the relationships between parental harsh discipline and academic achievement in adolescents. Methods: A sample of 469 junior middle school students completed the Parent-Child Conflict Tactics Scales and the Adolescents' Self-disclosure Questionnaire, and their academic grades were collected after half a year. Results: Paternal and maternal psychological aggression and corporal punishment were negatively correlated with self-disclosure and academic achievement, and self-disclosure was positively correlated with academic achievement; Moreover, self-disclosure mediated the relationships between parental harsh discipline(including paternal and maternal psychological aggression and corporal punishment) and academic achievement half a year later, and the mediating effect of self-disclosure had no gender differences. Conclusion: Both paternal and maternal harsh discipline exert indirect effects on academic achievement through the mediating role of self-disclosure to parents in adolescents.


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