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作者:何嘉悦  钟雪  袁术文  姚树桥 
单位:1. 中南大学湘雅二医院医学心理中心  长沙 410011 2. 中南大学湘雅二医院  长沙 410011 
关键词:老年抑郁量表 测量等值 时间差异 

目的:检验老年抑郁量表(Geriatric Depression Scale,GDS)在我国老年人群中跨时间的测量等值性。方法:以湖南省,山东省和北京市的267名社区老年人为调查对象,使用GDS-15先后两次调查同一批老年人的抑郁水平,两次调查间隔时间为6个月。并对调查数据进行验证性因素分析多组比较。结果:验证性因素分析多组比较结果显示GDS-15不同时间点的形态等值、弱等值、强等值、严格等值、因子方差等值、因子协方差等值以及潜均值等值模型均可被接受。结论:GDS-15的四因子结构具有跨时间的测量等值性。

Objective: To assess the Longitudinal invariance of the Geriatric Depression Scale(GDS) across time in Chinese elders. Methods: The sample consisted of 267 elderly who were selected from Hunan, Shandong and Beijing, the follow-up assessment was conducted 6 months after the time of the first assessment. Questionnaires of GDS-15 was administered to elders for measuring their depression levels and multi-group confirmatory factor analysis was used to structural validity. Results: The configural, metric, scalar, strict, factor variance, factor convariance and latent mean invariance of the GDS-15 across time were all acceptable. Conclusion: The 4-factor structure of GDS-15 emerged as invariant across time.


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