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作者:张峰  殷海博  苏贵生  史庆国  贾志刚  王立勋  杜妍  刘宁  夏嫣雨  郭笑  张卓  杨波 
单位:1. 中国政法大学刑事司法学院  北京 100088 2. 中国政法大学社会学院  北京 100088 3. 长治大辛庄强制隔离戒毒所  长治 046000 
关键词:甲卡西酮成瘾 冰毒成瘾 风险决策 适应性决策 


Objective: To investigate the characteristics of decision-making in Individuals with new drug addiction from compulsory isolated drug detoxification and rehabilitation. Methods: Forty-five individuals with mephedrone addiction and forty-one individuals with methamphetamine addiction from compulsory isolated drug detoxification and rehabilitation and thirty-three healthy controls were recruited. Cups task and barratt impulsiveness scale(BIS-11) were used to measure decision-making and impulsivity, respectively. Results: The impulsivity level of methamphetamine group was significantly higher than control group and mephedrone group. In comparison to control group, methamphetamine group and mephedrone group made more risky choices; control group and mephedrone group made more adaptive choices than methamphetamine group in the gain domain. There was no significant difference among three groups in the loss domain. Conclusion: Addiction subjects exhibit generally greater risk decision-making tendencies than control group. But, methamphetamine group only has adaptive decision-making functional deficits.


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