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作者:轩希  吴捷  马慧霞  李洪琴  徐晟  陈瀛 
单位:1. 南开大学滨海学院  天津 300387 2. 天津师范大学心理与行为研究院  天津 300074 
关键词:舞动治疗 自我接纳 自我效能感 大学生 


Objective: To explore the effects of dance movement group therapy on self-acceptance and self-efficacy among college students. Methods: In a university in Tianjin, 40 college students were randomly selected and divided into intervention group(to accept dancing group) and control group(not to accept therapy). All students completed the general self-efficacy scale and self-acceptance questionnaire before and after intervention. Results: The general self-efficacy, self-acceptance of self-denial cognition, self-exclusion of self-approval cognition and self-denial cognition post test score were significantly higher than pretest score in the intervention group; But the participants showed no difference on the two scales before and after the test in the control group. Conclusion: In terms of dance movement therapy for college students, the general self-efficacy and self-acceptance can be effectively improved.


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