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作者:汪娜  李强  徐晟 
单位:1. 南开大学社会心理学系  天津 300350 2. 天津师范大学心理与行为研究中心  天津 300071 
关键词:信任倾向 领悟社会支持 心理健康 性别差异 


Objective: To investigate the relationship between trust propensity and mental health in Chinese migrant workers, and the mediating effect of perceived social support in this relationship. Methods: A sample of 503 Chinese migrant workers was measured by the Scale of Trust Propensity, the 12-General Health Questionnaire(12-GHQ), and Perceived Social Support Scale(PSSS). Structural Equation Model(SEM) has been used to data analysis. Results: ①Trust propensity significantly predicted the mental health in Chinese migrant workers. ②Perceived social support had a mediating effect on the relationship between trust propensity and mental health. ③There was a significant difference between male and female about the mechanism of trust propensity influence psychological health. The mediating effect of perceived social support conceals direct effect in female. Conclusion: Chinese migrant workers' trust propensity affects their psychological health, via the influence of social support. This mediating model possibly moderated the gender.


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