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作者:雷玉菊  周宗奎  贺金波  张冬静  范翠英 
单位:1. 华中师范大学国家数字化学习工程技术研究中心  武汉 430079 2. 青少年网络心理与行为教育部重点实验室  武汉 430079 3. 华中师范大学心理学院  武汉 430079 
关键词:网络成瘾 真人面孔 卡通面孔 负性记忆优势 


Objective: The present studyused the learning-recognition paradigm to investigate the differences of memory processing between real expressional faces and cartoon expressional faces in Internet addicts. Methods: Totally 382 adolescents were identified based on Young's Online Internet Addiction Test(IAT), from which 15 Internet addicts and 18 healthy control individuals(HCs) were selected. Results: ①Compared with HCs, Internet addicts had memory advantage of negative faces relative to the other emotional faces. ②More importantly, the memory advantage effect of negative faces in Internet addicts was more significant in real angry faces, showing better memory of real angry faces. Conclusion: Internet addicts have memory advantage effect of real angry faces relative to healthy subjects.


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