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作者:郭薇  曹慧  周明洁 
单位:1. 中国科学院心理健康重点实验室[中国科学院心理研究所]  北京 100101 2. 中国科学院大学  北京 100049 3. 北京教育学院基础教育人才研究院  北京 100120 
关键词:表达性写作 学生群体 研究进展 


This paper summarized and analyzed the results of empirical researches of expression writing therapy among students from China, America and Japan since year 2000. Different types of writing paradigms were sorted, the influence of different writing settings on the therapeutic effect were summed up, as well as the different mediation and moderation vari-ables. Finally, the implement value, advantages and precautions of expression writing in students were discussed. Based on the previous findings, we raised several suggestions for future studies.


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