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作者:张纪豪  郭舒婕  李永鑫 
单位:1. 河南大学心理与行为研究所  开封 475004 2. 河南省人民医院护理部  郑州 450001 
关键词:护士 工作不安全感 心理健康 工作倦怠 组织支持 


Objective:To explore the relationship between job insecurity and mental health in nurses. Methods:A sam-ple of 349 nurses completed measures of Job Insecurity Scale, The Chinese Maslach Burnout Inventory, Organizational Sup-port Scale and General Health Questionnaire. Results:①The correlations among job insecurity, emotional exhaustion, dep-ersonalization, reduced personal accomplishment, organizational Support and mental health are significant; ②Emotional ex-haustion, depersonalization and reduced personalaccomplishment partially mediated the relationship between job insecurity and nurse's mental health; ③Organizational Support moderated the relationship between job insecurity and nurse's mental health. Conclusion:Job insecurity impacts nurse's mental health directly, and indirectly through three dimensions of job burnout; Organizational Support weakens the negative effects of job insecurity on nurse's mental health, and plays a protec-tive role on nurse's mental health.


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