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作者:田相娟  王赵娜  王美萍 
单位:山东师范大学心理学院  济南 250014 
关键词:儿童气质 母亲社会支持 替罪羊 跨代联盟 


Objective:To investigate the characteristics of parent-child triangulation, and its relationship with tempera-ment and maternal social support in children. Methods:A sample of 634 primary school students were recruited to com-plete the Parent-Adolescent Triangulation Scale, Children Behavior Questionnaire and Social Support Rating Scale. Results:Negative emotions positively predicted scapegoating, while mother's subjective social support negatively predicted scapegoating. Conclusion:At the elementary level, boys are more involved in parent-child triangulation than girls, the old-er the children are, the lower the degree of involvement in parent-child triangulation; children's temperament and maternal social support play an additive but not interactive role in parent-child triangulation.


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