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作者:王羽  史占彪  周启帆 
单位:1. 中国科学院心理研究所  北京 100101 2. 中国科学院大学  北京 100049 
关键词:工作投入 家长式领导 心理韧性 心理幸福感 公务员 


Objective:The current study was conducted to the moderating effects of three different paternalistic leader-ship styles in the relationship between the work engagement and the psychological well-being in Chinese civil servants, and whether moderating effects were mediated by resilience. Methods:411 Chinese civil servants were investigated with the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale(UWES), Paternalistic Leadership Style Scale, Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale(CDRISC) and Ryff's Psychological Well-Being Scale. Results:After controlling for several demographic variables, ① the work engagement significantly and positively predicted the psychological well-being(γ=0.28, P<0.001); ②The moral leader-ship positively moderated the relationship between the work engagement and the psychological well-being(γ=0.08, P=0.029), and the resilience mediate the moderation completely. The authoritarian leadership had a negative moderation(γ=-0.17, P<0.001) which was partially mediated by the resilience. However, the moderation of the benevolent leadership was not significant. Conclusion:For Chinese civil servants, the relationship between the engagement and the psychological well-being is moderated by the moral or authoritarian leadership. The positive effect of work engagement on psychological well-being, which is mediated by resilience, will be stronger for those civil servants whose leaders possess high-level moral leadership or low-level authoritarian leadership.


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