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作者:刘玎  卢宁 
单位:深圳大学心理与社会学院  深圳 518060 
关键词:网络成瘾 成就动机 防御方式 职业决策困难 


Objective:To explore the mediation effects of immature defense style and internet addiction in the relation-ship between motivation of avoiding failure and internet addiction in college students. Methods:323 college students were investigated with Chinese Internet Addiction Scale, the Achievement Motive Scale, Career Decision-making Difficulties Questionnaire, and the 40-item version of the Defense Style Questionnaire. Results:Correlation analysis showed that inter-net addiction, career decision-making difficulty, immature defense style and the motivation of avoiding failure were signifi-cantly related with each other. Structural equation modeling showed that the motivation of avoiding failure affected internet addiction indirectly through immature defense style and career decision-making difficulty. Conclusion:The immature de-fense style and career decision-making difficulty fully mediated the relationship between achievement motivation and inter-net addiction in college students.


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