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作者:徐雯  赵俊秀  孙锦华 
单位:1. 上海交通大学医学院附属精神卫生中心  上海 200030  2. 上海交通大学附属第一人民医院医学心理科  上海 200080 
关键词:抽动障碍 行为治疗 心理治疗 

抽动障碍(Tic Disorders,TD)是一种常见的神经精神性疾病。既往国内主要采取药物治疗进行干预,然而由于药物治疗可能存在的副反应,使得患者的依从性较差。近年来,行为治疗作为一种安全、持久有效的心理干预手段,已被不少研究证实对抽动症状的控制作用。本文拟对行为治疗的主要技术和/或方法,即习惯逆转训练(Hab?it Reversal Treatment,HRT)、综合性抽动行为干预疗法(Comprehensive Behavioral Intervention for Tics,CBIT)、暴露和反应预防(Exposure and Response Prevention,ERP)等三种行为疗法/技术在TD治疗上的应用研究文献进行复习,对上述疗法的具体内容以及相关的实证依据进行综述,并总结了当前行为治疗应用于TD的临床治疗中所面临的一些挑战和不足。

Tic disorder is one of the common neuropsychiatric diseases. In mainland of China, pharmacotherapy has been traditionally considered as the first-line intervention, although along with various side effect from pharmacotherapy and poor compliance in patients. In recent years, behavior therapy, as a safe, efficacious, and long-lasting way of psychologi-cal intervention, has been applied in some of foreign medical institutions, and evidenced its efficacy on decreasing tic sever-ity. This review focuses on three main behavior therapies-habit reversal treatment(HRT), comprehensive behavioral inter-vention for tics(CBIT), and exposure and response prevention(ERP) by reviewing the past evidenced-based study and metaanalysis. Additionally, this review also discusses current challenges and weaknesses when using the behavior therapy for TD.


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