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作者:易姝薇  彭娟  庞锐 
单位:1. 遵义医学院  遵义 563000  2. 遵义医学院管理学院  遵义 563000 
关键词:认知行为疗法 2型糖尿病 抑郁 焦虑 血糖 


Objective:To explore the effect of cognitive behavior therapy on patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus,de-pression and anxiety. Methods:90 cases of type 2 diabetic patients with depression and anxiety were randomly divided in-to 2 groups, the control group was treated with conventional treatment, patients in the experimental group were treated with cognitive behavioral therapy as well as conventional therapy; Anxiety, depression, fasting blood glucose and 2h postprandial plasma glucose were assessed in all patients before and after intervention respectively. Results:Before the intervention, two groups of average levels of depression and anxiety, fasting blood glucose and postprandial 2 hours blood glucose had no significant difference. After the intervention, the depression and anxiety level, fasting blood glucose, 2 hour postprandial blood glucose of the experimental group were significantly lower than the control group, and that before the intervention. The depression level of control group was significantly higher than that before the intervention, anxiety level, fasting blood glucose and postprandial 2 hours blood glucose had no difference. The changes of depression and anxiety related to changes of blood glucose positively in two groups. Conclusion:The results show that cognitive behavioral therapy can improve the patients with type 2 diabetes, depression and anxiety effectively. The change of negative emotion may further contribute to the improvement of blood glucose in patients with diabetes.


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