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作者:宋潮  董舒阳  徐鑫  王建平 
单位:1. 北京师范大学心理学部  应用实验心理北京市重点实验室  心理学国家级实验教学示范中心[北京师范大学]  北京 100875  2. Utrecht University  Utrecht 999025  3. 首都医科大学心理学系  北京 100088 
关键词:同性恋者 社会支持 自尊 孤独感 


Objective:To explore the mediating effects of the Self-esteem between Social support and Loneliness. Meth-ods:A sample of 498 homosexuals completed measures of Social support Rate Scale, Loneliness Scale, Self-Esteem Scale. This study was to investigate the relationship between Social support and Loneliness among Homosexuals, and the mediat-ing effect of Self-esteem. Results:①There were negative correlations between Social support and Loneliness. Social sup-port had a direct impact on the Loneliness in Homosexuals; ②Self-esteem played a partial mediating role between Social support and Loneliness. Conclusion:The Social support, Self-esteem and Loneliness in Homosexuals have a close relation-ship.


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