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作者:朱晓伟  范翠英  刘庆奇  张冬静  周宗奎 
单位:1. 青少年网络心理与行为教育部重点实验室  武汉 430079  2. 华中师范大学心理学院  武汉 430079  3. 长江大学教育学院  荆州 434023 
关键词:受欺负 幸福感 心理韧性 儿童 


Objective:The present study aimed to explore the mediating and moderating role of resilience in the rela-tionship between bully victimization and children's well-being. Methods:A sample of 449 3-6 grade primary school stu-dents were recruited for the study. They completed a battery of questionnaires, including Olweus Bully/Victim question-naire, Child and Youth Resilience Measure(CYRM-12) and Campbell Index of Well-being. Results:①Significant correla-tions were observed among bully victimization, resilience and child well-being; ②Resilience partially mediated the relation between bully victimization and well-being, and the ratio of mediation effect to total effect was 31.60%. The moderating ef-fect of resilience in the relation between bullying victimization and well-being was not significant. Conclusion:Bully vic-timization influences child well-being through the partial mediating effect of resilience.


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