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作者:陈海德  曹柠梦  高崚峰  李新宇  李伟健 
单位:浙江师范大学心理与脑科学研究院  金华 321004 
关键词:吸烟者 戒烟意愿 戒烟计划 矛盾态度 未来取向 


Objective:To investigate the moderating effects of ambivalent attitude and future orientation on the relation-ship between willingness and planning to quit smoking. Methods:340 smokers completed the Willingness to Quit Smoking Questionnaire and Planning to Quit Smoking Questionnaire, the Decisional Balance Scale, and the Scale of Consideration of Future Consequences. Results:①The willingness to quit smoking was a significant and positive predictor of planning to quit smoking. ②The moderated effect of ambivalent attitude on the relationship between willingness to quit smoking and planning to quit smoking was not significant, as well as future orientation. ③An interactive moderating effect of ambivalent attitude and future orientation on the relationship between willingness and planning to quit smoking was significant. As for smokers with higher level of future orientation or lower level of ambivalent attitude, the willingness to quit smoking signifi-cantly and positively predicted the planning to quit. As for smokers with lower level of future orientation meanwhile with higher level of ambivalent attitude, the willingness to quit smoking also significantly and positively predicted the planning to quit, while the coefficient of prediction was weaker. Conclusion:The process of increasing willingness and planning to quit smoking is influenced interactively by both of ambivalent attitude and future orientation in smokers.


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