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作者:张陆  王雅丽  游志麒   
单位:华中农业大学社会工作系/农村社会建设与管理研究中心  武汉 430070 
关键词:学业拖延 公正世界信念 控制感 时间效能感 


Objective:To explore the influence of just world belief on academic procrastination, and the mediation ef-fects of sense of control and time efficacy in rural junior middle school students. Methods:328 rural junior middle school students participated in the study. Aitken procrastination inventory, belief in a just world scales, sense of control scale and time efficacy subscale were applied to the participants. Results:①The just world belief, sense of control and time efficacy were significantly and positively correlated with each other, and the three variables were negatively correlated with academ-ic procrastination; ②there were two path from just world belief to academic procrastination:One was that just world belief influenced academic procrastination through time efficacy, the other was through consequential mediating effect of sense of control and time efficacy. Conclusion:Sense of control and time efficacy play sequential mediating roles between the just world belief and academic procrastination in rural junior middle school students.


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