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作者:苗淼  朱菡  甘怡群 
单位:1. 中国政法大学社会学院  北京 100088  2. 北京大学心理与认知科学学院及行为与心理健康北京市重点实验室  北京 100871 
关键词:生命意义感 焦虑 幸福感 社会支持 控制感 


Objective:To explore the underlying mechanism responsible for the effect of meaning in life on mental health and the moderating role of social support on the relationships. Methods:The present study was conducted in 191 in-dividuals approaching retirement in 3 years. Data were collected at two time points three months apart. Levels of meaning in life, anxiety, well-being, social support, and sense of control were assessed. Results:Meaning in life was positively corre-lated with social support, sense of control, and well-being. Meanwhile, meaning in life was negatively related to anxiety. The interaction of meaning in life with social support positively predicted sense of control, and further affected anxiety and well-being through the mediation role of sense of control. For those individuals with higher level of social support, meaning in life reduced anxiety and increased well-being via sense of control, while for those with lower level of social support, the mediation effects were not significant. Conclusion:Meaning in life promotes mental health via the mediation role of sense of control, and social support moderates the relationship, thus supporting the mediated moderation model.


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