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作者:耿耀国  郭伟伟  王丛丹  杨子皞  闫凤严  范雯健  赛雪莹 
单位:郑州大学教育学院  郑州 450001 
关键词:宽恕 攻击行为 精神病态 自恋 


Objective:To examine the relationships between forgiveness and aggressive behaviors, as well as the moder-ating roles of psychopathy and narcissism in this relationship. Methods:The Dirty Dozen(DD), Transgression-Related In-terpersonal Motivations Scale-12-Item Form(TRIM-12), and Chinese version of Buss & Perry aggression questionnaire (AQ-CV) were administered to 577 university students. Tests for moderation were performed through hierarchical regres-sion analyses, including sex and age as controlled variables. Results:①Psychopathy and narcissism were positively corre-lated with revenge, avoidance, and all factors of aggression, revenge was positively correlated with all factors of aggression, and avoidance was positively correlated with physical aggression and self-aggression. ②Psychopathy moderated the effect of revenge on self-aggression, and the effect of avoidance on hostile, with the higher participants'psychopathy, the higher effects of unforgiveness on aggression; narcissism moderated the effect of avoidance on verbal aggression, and the effect of avoidance on anger, with the higher participants'narcissism, the weaker effects of avoidance on aggression. Conclusion:The negative impacts of psychopathy and narcissism to forgiveness and aggression were all significant; the effects of forgive-ness on aggression vary with the boundary conditions, that is high(vs. low) psychopathy and narcissism.


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