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作者:谢家树  魏宇民  George Bear 
单位:1. 湖南师范大学心理学系  湖南师范大学认知与人类行为湖南省重点实验室  长沙 410081  2. University of Delaware  Newark  DE  19716  USA 
关键词:特拉华欺凌受害量表-学生卷 修订 效度 测量等值 校园欺凌 

目的:对特拉华欺凌受害量表(学生卷)2016版(Delaware Bullying Victimization Scale-Student,DBVS-S)进行中文修订,检验其信、效度及其跨性别、跨年级的测量等值性。方法:应用中文版DBVS-S对湖南省7个地区20所学校初一至高三3761名学生施测,以病人健康问卷抑郁量表(Patient Health Questionnaire-9,PHQ-9)和广泛性焦虑量表(Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale-7,GAD-7)为效标,间隔三周之后随机抽取其中两个班共61名被试进行重测。结果:①验证性因素分析拟合结果表明DBVS-S采用一阶四因子模型最佳;②DBVS-S总分与PHQ-9和GAD-7的相关系数分别为0.321和0.347(P<0.01);总量表的α系数为0.906,三周后的重测信度为0.783 ;③多组验证性分析结果显示,DBVS-S中文版在初中高中生之间和男女生之间测量等值性假设成立,年级、性别之间的群组差异可以认为是样本特质造成的差异而非量表本身的系统误差所致;④方差分析结果显示欺凌受害程度男生显著高于女生(F=101.521,P<0.01,η2=0.026),初中生显著高于高中生(F=324.609,P<0.01,η2=0.080)。结论:特拉华欺凌受害量表(学生卷)中文版信效度良好,且测量结果可以在年级、性别之间跨组比较,可以用于中国青少年有关研究。

Objective:To examine the reliability and validity of the Chinese Version(2016) of Delaware Bullying Victim-ization Scale-Student(DBVS-S) among Chinese secondary students. Methods:3761 students were measured, 61 of which participated the test-retest 3 weeks later. Patient Health Questionnaire-9(PHQ-9) and Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale-7(CAD-7) were used as the criteria-related validity instrument. Results:①Confirmatory factor analysis showed that the 4 factors model achieved adequate model fits:CFI=0.922; TLI=0.905; RMSEA=0.043; ②The DBVS-S had significant positive correlation with PHQ-9(r=0.321, P<0.01) and CAD-7(r=0.347, P<0.01). Cronbach's α coefficients of the Chinese Version of the DBVS-S was 0.906 and the test-retest reliability was 0.783; ③Multi-group confirmatory factor analysis of the 4 factors structure of Reliability and Validity of the Chinese Version of Delaware Bullying Victimization Scale-student revealed that full configural invariance and full weak invariance, full strong invariance across gender as well as grade were supported by the date. ④The results of ANOAVA showed that the degree of male's bullying victimization was significant-ly higher than that of female's(F=101.521, P<0.01, η2=0.026), the degree of junior high school students's bullying victim-ization was significantly higher than that of high school students's(F=324.609, P<0.01, η2=0.080). Conclusion:The Chi-nese version(2016) of DBVS-S has acceptable psychometric properties.


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