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作者:卢珊  李璇  姜霁航  王争艳  Robert H. Bradley 
单位:1. 首都师范大学心理学院  儿童发展研究中心  北京市"学习与认知"重点实验室  北京 100048  2. Arizona State University  Tempe  USA 
关键词:HOME 婴儿-学步儿 家庭环境 信度 效度 

目的:考察中文版婴儿-学步儿家庭环境观察评估表(The Chinese version of the Infant-Toddler Home Obser?vation for Measurement of the Environment Assessment,IT-HOME-C)的信度和效度。方法:本研究招募164个(81个男孩)月龄在12-36个月的儿童,使用中文版本的IT-HOME为研究工具,对儿童的家庭环境进行评估。结果:ITHOME-C各维度之间相关显著(卷入性除外),各维度与总分之间均显著相关,观察者一致性为0.941;各维度和学步儿的认知、精细动作和粗大动作有显著相关,能够有效区分城市和流动家庭的家庭环境,具有较好的外部效度。结论:中文版IT-HOME具有良好的信度和效度,可以用来评估我国婴儿和学步儿的家庭环境。

Objective:To assess the reliability and validity of Chinese version of the Infant-Toddler Home Observation for Measurement of the Environment Assessment(IT-HOME-C). Methods:The study recruited 164 children(81 boys) aged 12-36 months. We used the Chinese version of IT-HOME(IT-HOME-C) to assess the child's home environment. Result:The correlation between the dimensions of IT-HOME-C was significant(except for involvement), and the correlation between each dimension and total score was significant. The consistency of the observers was 0.941. Significant correlations were observed between IT-HOME-C and cognition, fine action and gross action. It had a good external validity, which effec-tively distinguished the family environment of urban and rural-urban immigrant families. Conclusion:The Chinese version of IT-HOME has good reliability and validity, and it can be used to assess the family environment of infants and toddlers in China.


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