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作者:毕向阳  王孟成 
单位:1. 中国政法大学社会学院  北京 102249 2. 广州大学心理学系/广东省未成年人心理健康与教育认知神经科学实验室  广州 510006 


Objective:To analyze the relationship between parental care, hostile personality trait and individual beliefin-a-just-world in prisoners. Methods:Conducting a mediating effect model with grouping of crime types, based on the measurement of PID-5, PBI and BJW toward 290 male prisoners that sampled from some juvenile in Beijing. Results:There were significant differences between violent and nonviolent criminal groups in hostile personality and personal beliefin-a-just-world. Overall, hostile personality played a mediating role between parental love and individual justice. Conclusion:The lack of parental care in childhood has contributed to the formation of hostility personality trait and negatively af-fects personal belief-in-a-just-world. This mechanism is significantly associated with the type of violent crime.


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