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作者:燕良轼  王小凤  李桃  郑红  徐琳琳 
单位:1. 湖南师范大学教育科学学院  湖南师范大学文化心理与行为研究中心  长沙 410081 2. 中南林业科技大学心理教育研究所  长沙 427000 3. 中南林业科技大学信息中心  长沙 427000 4. 长郡雨花外国语学校  长沙 410007 


Objective:To explore the influence mechanism of interpersonal relationships on the academic engagement of middle school students. Methods:A sample of 1028 middle students were asked to complete the Family Adaption and Cohesion Evaluation Scale, Experience of Campus Personal Relationship Scale, Self-Esteem Scale and Utrecht Work En-gagement Scale-student Scale. Results:①The relationships between each pair of parent-children communication, teach-er-student relationship, classmate relationship as well as academic engagement were significantly positive; ②teacher-stu-dent relationship and self-esteem played a partial mediating effect between Parent-children communication and academic engagement; ③self-esteem played a partial mediating effect between Classmate relationship and academic engagement; ④ classmate relationship and self-esteem exerted a chain mediating role between Teacher-student relationship and academic engagement. Conclusion:The three types of relationship are positive related with academic engagement, self-esteem is a mediator in the association among parent-children communication, classmate relationship and academic engagement, teach-er-student relationship is a mediator in the association between parent-children communication and academic engagement, classmate relationship and self-esteem exert a chain mediating effect on the relationship between teacher-student relation-ship and academic engagement.


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