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作者:邓林园  王凌霄  徐洁  黎坚 
单位:1. 北京师范大学教育学部  北京 100875 2. 北京化工大学文法学院  北京 100029 3. 北京师范大学心理学部  北京 100875 

目的:探讨初中生感知的父母冲突、亲子冲突与其欺负行为的现状以及三者之间的关系。方法:采用问卷调查法对623名初一到初三学生进行调查。结果:① 21.3%的初中生卷入校园欺负行为中,其中欺负者约占1.1%,受欺负者约占16.0%,欺负/受欺负双重身份者约占4.2%;②男生欺负他人和受欺负程度显著高于女生,初一、初二学生的受欺负程度显著高于初三学生;③初中生感知的父母冲突和亲子冲突水平越高,其受欺负程度和欺负程度也就越高;④母子冲突在初中生感知的父母冲突与其受欺负程度、欺负程度中间都起完全中介作用。结论:父母冲突会增加初中生卷入欺负行为的风险,且父母冲突通过母子冲突对初中生欺负、受欺负行为产生间接影响。

Objective:To explore the situation and relationships between inter-parental conflict, parent-adolescent con-flict and their bullying behaviors. Methods:In this study, 623 junior high school students were investigated by question-naires. Results:①There were 21.3% of the students involved in school bullying, including 1.1% of bullies, 16.0% of vic-tims, and 4.2% of bully/victims. ②Male students got higher scores than females both in bullying and being bullied; Stu-dents in Grade 7 and Grade 8 got higher scores than students in Grade 9 in being bullied. ③The more inter-parental con-flict and parent-adolescent conflict, the higher level of bullying and being bullied. ④Mother-child conflict plays a mediat-ing role between inter-parental conflict and students'bullying and being bullied. Conclusion:Inter-parental conflict pre-dicts junior high students'bullying and being bullied through the mediation of mother-child conflict.


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