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作者:杨丽  陈欣  安莉 
单位:1. 天津大学教育学院  天津 300350 2. 天津大学应用心理研究所  天津 300350 


The traditional suicide approach treats suicide behavior as a unitary construct, having conflated the question of why people feel suicidal with the question of why people act on suicidal thoughts without differentiating the predictors of ideation with the predictors of the progression from ideation to attempts. The ideation-to-action framework views the devel-opment of suicide ideation and the progression from ideation to attempts as distinct processes with distinct explanations and predictors. The Three-Step Theory (3ST) is one of the representative theories based on the framework. In this review, the proposed background, the theoretical content and future prospects of the 3ST will be systematically introduced. The aim is to acquire a better understanding of the 3ST and promote the development of psychological theory based on the ideation-toaction framework.


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