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作者:桑标  赛李阳  潘婷婷  刘影  张少华  马明伟 
单位:1. 华东师范大学心理与认知科学学院  上海 200062 2. 杭州师范大学心理科学研究院  杭州 311121 


Objective:To explore the differences of emotion regulation choice between reappraisal and distraction in dif-ferent emotional situations through two studies. Methods:Emotion Regulation Choice Task was conducted. Participants saw pictures with different emotion intensity and regulated emotion with the strategy they chose. In study 1, we aimed to ex-plore how emotion intensity influenced the emotion regulation choice between reinterpretation and distraction. In study 2, we aimed to explore how emotion intensity influenced the emotion regulation choice between distance and distraction. Results:In low emotion intensity condition, the results showed that participants preferred to choose reappraisal(in study 1)/dis-tance(in study 2) than distraction. However, the difference between reappraisal/distance and distraction in high emotion in-tensity condition was not significant. Conclusion:Our findings suggest that the emotion intensity influences the choice of emotion regulation.


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