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作者:李想  黄煜  罗禹  李红  时勘 
单位:1. 中国人民大学心理学系  北京 100872 2. 西南大学心理学部  重庆 400715 3. 贵州师范大学心理学系  贵阳 550025 4. 深圳大学心理与社会学院  深圳 100049 


Objective:To explore the effect of moral judgment on empathy for other's pain. Methods:A 2(two types of moral story:high moral stories and low moral stories)×2(two types of stimulus:painful and non-painful pictures) within-sub-ject study were conducted using event-related potentials technique, with the purpose of exploring how moral judgment influ-ences the ERP components(N1, P2, N2, P3) of empathy for other's pain. Results:When primed by high moral stories, the painful pictures elicited larger amplitude in P3 than the non-painful pictures, while when primed by low moral stories the difference between the P3 amplitudes elicited by painful and non-painful pictures was insignificant. Conclusion:Moral judgment modulates the cognitive process of the empathy for others'pain, namely people show cognitive empathy for the pain of persons who are moral rather than who are immoral.


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