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作者:曹钰  吴洁清  陶嵘 
单位:华中师范大学心理学院暨湖北省人的发展与心理健康重点实验室  青少年网络心理与行为教育部重点实验室  武汉 430079 


Objective:To explore the effect of interpersonal closeness on level and type of envy. Methods:Evoked the evny emotion of participants with the situational evoked approach, and adopted two different measuring methods to measure their envy feelings subsequently through two experiments. The first experiment adopted the direct measuring method while the second experiment adopted the indirect measuring method. Results:The result of the first experiment showed that par-ticipants reported lower envy toward the high closeness advantaged others than toward the low closeness advantaged, and they all reported benign envy toward no matter high or low closeness advantaged others; And the second experiment indicat-ed that the participants reported higher envy toward the high closeness advantaged others than toward the low closeness ad-vantaged, and they preferred benign envy toward the high closeness advantaged others while preferred malicious envy to-ward the low closeness advantaged. Conclusion:All these results indicate that interpersonal closeness influences the envy level and type in college students, and the indirect measuring method may be a more effective tool for measuring envy than the direct measuring method.


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