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作者:李燕娟  王雨吟 
单位:中山大学心理学系  广州 510006 


Objective:To examine the effect of self-compassion writing on objectified body consciousness(OBC) and well-being in Chinese young women. Methods:Young women were recruited through Internet and then assigned into one of the following three conditions:self-compassion writing(experimental), writing control and no-task control condition. Selfcompassion, self-esteem, OBC and well-being were assessed before and after the completion of the writing activity. For both experimental and writing control group, during one week, participants needed to write a letter about a negative event that had happened recently every day. However, only participants in the experimental condition were instructed to think and write in a self-compassionate way. Participants in the no-task control condition only needed to finish the pre-and posttest without any writing activity. Results:Compared to the two control groups, participants in the experimental condition ex-perienced significantly greater gains in self-compassion and greater reduction in body shame. No significant group differ-ences were found in body surveillance and well-being. However, participants in the experimental condition reported signifi-cantly more well-being in the post-test than the pre-test. Conclusion:The findings suggest that self-compassion writing may be a useful and cost-effective means of improving young women's self-compassion, mitigating their body shame. Be-sides, it also has the tendency to improve young women's well-being.


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