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作者:林国凤  耿靖宇  高峰强  韩磊 
单位:山东师范大学心理学院  济南 250358 


Objective:To investigate the mediating roles of security and victimization in the relationships between at-tachment avoidance and depression in Chinese college students. Methods:A sample of 749 college students completed Ex-periences in Close Relationships Inventory, Security Questionnaire, Self-Rating Depression Scale and Self-edited Bullied Questionnaire to measure the level of attachment avoidance, security, victimization and depression. Results:The scores of attachment avoidance, victimization, and depression were positively correlated with each other. The scores of security were negatively correlated with the scores of attachment avoidance, victimization, and depression. Security and victimization played complex mediating roles between attachment avoidance and depression. Conclusion:It suggests that attachment avoidance not only directly affects depression, but also indirectly leads to depression through increasing victimization and reducing security.


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