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作者:张鑫  侯志瑾  朱佳佳  王丹妮 
单位:北京师范大学  北京 100875 
关键词:生涯决策模糊容忍度 生涯决策困难 生涯适应力 焦虑 


Objective:Thisstudyaimed to investigate the relationships amongcareer decision ambiguity tolerance, career decision-making difficulty, career adaptability and anxiety. Methods:1204 college students participated in this study. De-scriptive statistic, correlation analysis and Structural Equation Modeling were used in data analysis. Results:①Ambiguity preference negatively predicted career decision-making difficulty, whereas ambiguity aversion positively predicted it. ②Ca-reer adaptability and anxiety could fully mediate the influence of ambiguitypreference on decision-making difficulty, and partially mediate the influence of ambiguityaversion. Conclusion:Preferenceand aversion of career decision ambiguity demonstrated different effects on career decision making difficulty with the mediation of career adaptability and anxiety.


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