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作者:罗佳  李占江  杨祥云  郭志华  刘竞  孟繁强  马云  杨晓婕 
单位:首都医科大学附属北京安定医院/临床心理学系  北京 100088 


Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of manual-based cognitive behavioral therapy(CBT) for obsessive-compulsive disorder(OCD). Methods: 46 patients who met the DSM-Ⅳ OCD criteria were recruited to receive CBT. The CBT intervention was based on a manual, including 14 sessions across 12 weeks. All participants were assessed with the YaleBrown Obsessive Compulsive Scale(Y-BOCS), Hamilton Depression Scale(HAMD) and Hamilton Anxiety Scale(HAMA) by psychiatrists not involved in the treatment. Perceived helpfulness and satisfaction with CBT were also assessed by visual analogue scale(0-10). All patients did not take any psychiatric drugs during the CBT process. Results: 39 subjects completed 14 sessions CBT. The dropout rate was 15.22%. At the end of the therapy, significant improvements were found for YBOCS, HAMD and HAMA by paired t test(P<0.01). Based on the intention to treat principle, the response and complete remission rate were 69.57%(32/46) and 21.74%(10/46). Satisfaction and helpfulness ratings were acceptable. Conclusion: The manual-based CBT is an effective and feasible therapy for drug naive OCD patients in China. The patients' compliance is good in this therapy.


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