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作者:赵巍峰  彭敏  赖平妹  鲍广林  李新力  吕纯芳  赵艳军 
单位:1. 深圳市第六人民医院临床心理科  深圳 518052 2. 深圳市南山区慢性病防治院  深圳 518054 


Objective: To explore the predictive factors of Male/Female schizophrenia patients' aggressive behavior. Methods: 170 schizophrenia patients were chosen randomly and evaluated on their general information, social supports, self-efficiency, clinical symptoms, explicit aggressive behavior and detection of serum cortisol, all of which were followed up six months later. Results: The positive symptom, negative symptom and serum cortisol at the first time point were all related to Male schizophrenia patients' aggressive behavior 6 months later. The aggressive behavior, positive symptom and serum cortisol at the first time point were related to Female schizophrenia patients' aggressive behavior 6 months later. Conclusion: The aggressive behavior, positive symptom, negative symptom and serum cortisol are the predictive factors for aggressive behavior in schizophrenia patients.


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