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作者:张宇  欧阳若芸  彭雅婷  曹玉萍 
单位:1. 中南大学湘雅二医院精神卫生研究所  长沙 410011 2. 中南大学湘雅二医院呼吸内科  长沙 410011 

目的:探讨男性OSAHS患者神经认知功能与睡眠结构的相关性。方法:采取病例对照研究,66名OSAHS患者和38名年龄、性别、文化程度相匹配的正常对照组分别完成蒙特利尔量表(MoCA)、韦氏成人记忆测验(WMS)、威斯康辛卡片分类测验(WCST)、Stroop色词测验(SCWT)及Epworth嗜睡量表(EES)的评估,并完成整夜多导睡眠描记检查(PSG)。结果:OSAHS组MoCA、WMS、WCST、SCWT各项分值与对照组的差异均具有显著性(Ps<0.05或0.001)。OSAHS组EES分值高于对照组,睡眠效率、NREM 2期和REM期百分比明显低于对照组,进入REM睡眠时间也明显短于对照组(Ps<0.05-0.01)。睡眠效率降低、觉醒次数增多、NREM4和REM期睡眠缩短,以及进入REM睡眠时间缩短均与OSAHS患者神经认知功能损害显著相关。结论:OSAHS患者的认知功能存在广泛损害,且与其睡眠结构异常密切相关。

Objective: To explore the correlation between neurocognitive function and sleep structure in male patients with obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome(OSAHS). Methods: 66 OSAHS male patients and 38 controls matched for age, gender and educational level were recruited using case-control study design. Montreal cognitive assessment scale(MoCA), Wechsler adult memory scale(WMS), Wisconsin Card Sorting Test(WCST), Stroop color-word test(SCWT), Epworth sleepiness scale(ESS) and overnight polysomnography test(PSG) were administered and analyzed. Results: OSAHS patients exhibited significant deficits in MoCA, WMS, WCST and SCWT performance. Compared with controls, OSAHS patients in EES score was significantly higher, while sleep efficiency, time ratio of non-rapid eye movement(NREM) 2 sleep and rapid eye movement(REM) sleep in patients were significantly lower, and latency of REM was significantly shorter(Ps<0.05-0.01). The neurocognitive impairment in OSAHS patients is significantly associated with lower sleep efficiency. Conclusion: The patients with OSAHS have widespread neurocognitive dysfunctions, which is associated with sleep structure.


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