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作者:郭庆科  蔡明航  王菲  李玉洁 
单位:山东师范大学心理学院  济南 250014 

目的:比较UCLA-3(University of California Loneliness Scale-Version 3)和DLS(Differential Loneliness Scale)两个孤独量表的信效度,及直接和反转措辞题目的心理测量学性能。为比较直接和反转效应提供依据。方法:对UCLA-3和DLS的题目进行措辞方向的反转,得到直接和反转措辞两种版本,分别施测于高中生样本。两次测试结果合并后再得到原版量表的测试数据。结果:UCLA-3和DLS中直接措辞题的信效度略高于反转措辞题,但差异不大;DLS中的直接和反转措辞题目测量的是同一特质,题目措辞方向的改变不影响其所测的内容,但UCLA-3中的题目就不具备这些特性;两种措辞效应在DLS和UCLA-3中都存在,但DLS受其影响较小。结论:DLS有更高的信效度;措辞效应尽管影响DLS,但不严重;两种措辞题目可以相加计算总分;UCLA-3受措辞效应影响大,需要改进。

Objective: To test the reliability and validity of UCLA-3 (University of California Loneliness Scale-Version 3) and DLS (Differential Loneliness Scale), and compare the psychometric properties of the straightforwardly worded (SFW) and reversed worded (RW) items between these two loneliness measures. Methods: Through item rewriting, SFW and RW version of UCLA-3 and DLS were obtained and administrated to a sample of high school students in two weeks interval. When the data files were combined, the item scores for the original version of UCLA-3 and DLS were also obtained. Results: The SFW and RW versions of UCLA-3 (DLS) showed similar reliability and validity, with SFW ones slightly better. For DLS, SFW and RW items measured the same constructs, in other words, changes of items narrative directions did not change what these items measure. For the UCLA-3 items, however, wording effect caused greater harm to the psychometrical property. Conclusion: The reliability and validity of DLS are better than UCLA-3. Wording effect from SFW and RW significantly affects the psychometrical property of UCLA-3.


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