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作者:王玉龙  袁燕  张家鑫 
单位:湖南师范大学教育科学学院  认知与人类行为湖南省重点实验室  长沙 410081 


Objective: To investigate the moderating effect of family functioning and emotion expression between negative emotion and self-injury in left-behind adolescents. Methods: 566 left-behind-adolescents and 561 non left-behindadolescents were assessed with adolescents self-harm scale, negative affect scale, family cohesion and adaptability of scaleChinese version,emotional expressivity scale. Results: ①The incidence of self-injury was significantly higher in left-behind adolescents than the non left-behind-adolescents; ②Negative emotion was positively correlated with self-injury; ③ Emotion expression played a significant moderating role between negative emotion and self-injury. Conclusion: Negative Emotion moderates the relationship between negative emotion and self-injury in left-behind adolescents.


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