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作者:周荃1  肖晶1  何莉2  赵德懋1  邢淑芬1 
单位:1. 首都师范大学教育学院心理系  北京 100048 
 北京师范大学心理学院  北京 100875 
关键词:差别易感性 素质-应激模型 发展可塑性 脆弱性 


The diathesisstress model suggests that some individuals due to a "vulnerability" in their makeup,are more vulnerable than others to the negative effects of adversity.However,the differential susceptibility model considers that these "vulnerable" individuals are not only likely to be affected adversely by environmental stressors,but also more susceptible than others to positive environmental influences.In this context,after comparing the major view of the "differential susceptibility model" and the "diathesis-stress model",we discussed the theoretical foundations of differential susceptibility.Then,we documented extant empirical research on differential susceptibility.Finally,we summarized the limits and agendas for future research of differential susceptibility.


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