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作者:张玉静1 2  韩布新1 
单位:1. 中国科学院心理健康重点实验室  中国科学院心理研究所  北京 100101 
 中国科学院大学  北京 100049 
关键词:长寿 生物-心理-社会 尽责性 积极情绪 


Longevity studies showed that biological,social,and psychological factors contribute interactively,rather than seperately,to successful aging or survival differences.This review found that chromosomal gene including FOXO3A and ApoE,mitochondrial gene,and the telomere length were related to longevity;these genetic factors interacted with psycho-behavioral factors.Psychological studies found that personality factors such as conscientiousness and sense of control predicted longevity through three pathways:behavioral,stress-coping,as well as self-healing traits.Other psychological factors such as positive affect,attitude toward aging,coping,and health behavior were also associated with longevity.Longevity-related social factors such as social support,marriage,and friendship were also reviewed.It is still unclear about the influence and the mechanisms of genetic factors,positive affect,and religious belief on longevity.Given that nobody can select genetic heritage but only with reverent acceptance while no parent can determine children's destiny,life-span can only be conclude as a grant in addition one's own behavior at daily basis.There were several limitations in previous studies though,and future studies on the psycho-behavioral factors of longevity should be more integrated,adopting short-term sequential study design,and pay more attention on cross-cultural comparison.


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