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作者:高峰强  薛雯雯  韩磊  任跃强  徐洁 
单位:山东师范大学心理学院  济南 250014 
关键词:羞怯 攻击 自尊稳定性 偏执 多重中介作用 


Objective: To investigate the mediating effects of self-esteem stability and paranoid in the relationship between shyness and aggression.Methods: A sample of 442 college students completed the College Student's Shyness Scale,Paranoid subscale of SCL-90 Questionnaire,College Student's Self-esteem Stability Scale and Aggression Questionnaire.Results: ① Shyness,paranoid and aggression were significantly and positively correlated with each other.Shyness,paranoid and aggression were significantly and negatively correlated with self-esteem stability.② Paranoid and self-esteem stability played a complete mediating role in the relationship between shyness and aggression.Conclusion: By decreasing the self-esteem stability level and increasing the paranoid level,shyness increases individual's aggression.


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