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作者:金童林1  陆桂芝1  张守臣1  张璐1  刘艳丽1  李肖肖2 
单位:1. 哈尔滨师范大学教科院  哈尔滨 150025 
 兰州城市学院教育系  兰州 730070 
关键词:大学生 无聊倾向 网络偏差行为 网络消极情绪体验 


Objective: To explore the relationship between boredom proneness,online deviant behavior and negative online experience in undergraduates.Methods: 440 undergraduates were surveyed with Boredom Proneness Questionnaire,Online Deviant Behavior Questionnaire and Negative Online Experience Questionnaire.Results: Correlation analysis showed that boredom proneness,online deviant behavior and negative online experience were significantly and positively correlated with each other;boredom proneness had a significant direct effect on online deviant behavior of undergraduates (t=2.233,P<0.05);boredom proneness had a significant indirect effect on online deviant behavior through negative online experience (confidence interval of 95%:0.012,0.192).Conclusion: Negative online experience plays a partial mediating role between boredom proneness and online deviant behavior of undergraduates.


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