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作者:马原啸1  马海静2  冉光明3  陈旭1 
单位:1. 西南大学心理学部  重庆 400715 
 西南财经大学经贸外语学院  成都 611130 
 西华师范大学教育学院  南充 637002 
关键词:疼痛网络 生理疼痛 社会疼痛 神经基础 负性信息处理系统 


Pain maxtrix enables individual to detect pain stimulus quickly,and response adaptively and thus promotes individual's survival and development.During the past few years,it has been commonly acknowledged that pain matrix is a negative information processing system in two aspects.On one hand it is in charge of physical pain.On the other hand,evidence coming from brain demonstrateds that physical and social pain shares a neural basis,suggesting that pain matrix also processes various stimuli of social pain.In view of the negative information processing system of pain maxtrix,the present paper gives explanations from perspectives of evolution and threat detection system.Future research orients researchers towards investigating the overlap of neural basis between social and physical pain,further validating the role of sensory components of pain brain regions played in social pain and exploring the boundary of negative experience causing social pain,thus verifies that social pain relies on pain maxtrix and provides more evidence on the possible role of the negative information processing system of pain maxtrix.


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