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作者:刘海宁1 2 4  韩布新1 4  李晓敏2  王路瑶3  肖巧玲1 4 
单位:1. 中国科学院心理健康重点实验室  中国科学院心理研究所  北京 100101 
 承德医学院心理学系  承德 067000 
 河北师范大学心理学系  石家庄 050000 
 中国科学院大学  北京 100101 
关键词:社会情绪健康调查-初级版 信度 效度 小学生 


Objective: To evaluate the reliability and validity of the Social Emotional Health Survey-Elementary (SEHS-E) in Chinese Elementary School students.Methods: 1144 elementary school students from Grade 4 to Grade 6 were applied to the Chinese version of SEHS-P,127 of them participated the retest 2 weeks later.School Attitude Scales,Learning Scores,Adolescence Mental Health Diathesis Questionnaire-Adaptation Scale,Peer Nomination and Friendship Quality Questionnaire were chosen as the criteria-related validity instruments.Results: The exploratory factor analysis showed that SEHS-E consisted of four subscales:Gratitude,Zest,Optimism,Persistence;and the cumulative variance accounts was 55.61%.The confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) confirmed the hypothesized four-factor model.Multi-group CFA showed that the structure model were invariant between male and female samples with some invariant items.The internal consistencies of the SEHS-E and its subscales were 0.78~0.91.The test-retest reliabilities were 0.71~0.81.The scores of the SEHS-E were significantly associated with school learning,school avoidance,learning scores,learning adaption,interpersonal adaptation,peer acceptance,trust and support,accompany and entertainment,value affirmation,intimacy exposing and communication,except for enthusiasm and academic performance,optimism and school avoidance.Conclusion: Chinese Version of SEHS-E has satisfactory validity and reliability,can be used in Chinese Elementary School students.


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